J. Chuah, C.V. Cordi, J. Hahn, and J.M. Hurley. "Dual-approach co-Expression Analysis Framework (D-CAF) Enables Identification of Novel Circadian co-Regulation from Multi-omic Timeseries Data" BMC Bioinformatics 26, 72 (2025). [Publication, Abstract]
X. Song, J. Zhang, P. Yan, J. Hahn, U. Kruger, H. Mohamed, and G. Wang. "Integrating AI in College Education: Positive yet Mixed Experiences with ChatGPT"Meta-Radiology 2, No. 4, 100113 (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
D. Machado Reyes, H. Chao, J. Hahn, L. Shen, and P. Yan. "Identifying Progression-Specific Alzheimer’s Subtypes Using Multimodal Transformer"Journal of Personalized Medicine14, No. 4, 421 (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
J.R. Chuah, P. Yan, G. Wang, and J. Hahn. "Towards the Generation of Medical Imaging Classifiers Robust to Common Perturbations"BioMedInformatics 4, No. 2, pp. 889-910 (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
R.A. Culibrk, K.A. Ebbert, D.J. Yeisley, R. Chen, F.A. Qureshi, J. Hahn, and M.S. Hahn. "Impact of Suramin on Key Pathological Features of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease-Derived Forebrain Neurons"Journal of Alzheimer's Disease98, No. 1, pp. 301-318 (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
H. Kerr, E. Ledet, J. Hahn, K. Hollowood, M. Bowen, A. White, D. Light, and C. Nelson. "Accurate Prediction of Recovery and Successful Return to Sports from Sports-related Concussion (SRC) Requires Quantitative Assessment of Balance"British Journal of Sports Medicine58, No. S1, pp. A37-A38 (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Ferina, M. Kruger, U. Kruger, D. Ryan, C. Anderson, J. Foster, T. Hamlin, and J. Hahn. "Predicting Problematic Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder using Medical History and Environmental Data"Journal of Personalized Medicine 13, No. 10, 1513 (2023) [Publication, Abstract]
F. Qureshi and J. Hahn. "Towards the Development of a Diagnostic Test for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Big Data Meets Metabolomics"Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering101, No. 1, pp. 9-17 (2023) [Publication, Abstract]
A.S. Arabiyat, D.J. Yeisley, V.R. Güiza-Argüello, F. Qureshi, R.A Culibrk, J. Hahn, and M.S. Hahn. "Effects of Stromal Cell Conditioned Medium and Anti-purinergic Treatment on Macrophage Phenotype"Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods28, No. 12, pp. 656-671 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
K. Nirmalkar, F. Qureshi, D.-W. Kang, J. Hahn, J.B. Adams, R. Krajmalnik-Brown. "Shotgun Metagenomics Study Suggests Alteration in Sulfur Metabolism and Oxidative Stress in Children with Autism and Improvement after Microbiota Transfer Therapy"International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, No. 21, 13481 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
G. Grivas, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Maternal Risk Factors vary between Subpopulations of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder"Autism Research 15, No. 11, pp 2038-2055 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Chuah, U. Kruger, G. Wang, P. Yan, and J. Hahn. "Framework for Testing Robustness of Machine Learning-Based Classifiers"Journal of Personalized Medicine12, No. 8, 1314 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
F. Qureshi, J.B. Adams, T. Audhya, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Analysis of Metabolomic and Nutritional Profiles among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder"Journal of Personalized Medicine12, No. 6, 923 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
U. Kruger, X. Wang, M.J. Embrechts, A. Almansoori, and J. Hahn. "Regularized Error-in-Variable Estimation for Big Data Modeling and Process Analytics"Control Engineering Practice121, 105060 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
H. Kerr, E. Ledet, J. Hahn, and K. Hollowood-Jones. "Accurate Prediction of Successful Return to Sports from Sports-Related Concussion (SRC) is Enhanced by Quantitative Assessment of Balance in a Cohort of Youth Concussions with Tracked Recovery"Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach14, No. 6, pp. 875-884 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
G. Grivas, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Pregnant Mothers’ Medical Claims and Associated Risk of their Children being Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder"Journal of Personalized Medicine 11, No. 10, 950 (2021) [Publication, Abstract]
G.A. Buitimea-Cerón, J. Hahn, N. Medina-Herrera, A. Jiménez-Gutiérrez, J.A. Loredo-Medrano, and S. Tututi-Avila. "Dividing-wall Column Design: Analysis of Methodologies Tailored to Process Simulators"Processes9, No. 7, 1189 (2021)
[Publication, Abstract]
S.M. Quinn, T. Vargason, N. Pokhrel, E. Antony, J. Hahn, and S.P. Gilbert. "KIF3A Accelerates KIF3C within the Kinesin-2 Heterodimer to Generate Symmetrical Phosphate Release Rates for each Processive Step"Journal of Biological Chemistry296, 100020 (2021) [Publication, Abstract]
K. Hollowood-Jones, J.B. Adams, D.M. Coleman, S. Ramamoorthy, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, B.K. Woodruff, E.L. Pollard, C.L. Snozek, U. Kruger, J. Chuah, and J. Hahn. "Altered Metabolism of Mothers of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Control Study"BMC Pediatrics20, 557 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
F. Qureshi, J.B. Adams, K. Hanagan, D.-W. Kang, R. Krajmalnik-Brown, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Analysis of Fecal Metabolites from Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gastrointestinal Symptoms"Journal of Personalized Medicine 10, No. 4, 152 (2020) Editor's Choice [Publication, Abstract]
D.-W. Kang, J.B. Adams, T. Vargason, M. Santiago, J. Hahn, and R. Krajmalnik-Brown. "Distinct Fecal and Plasma Metabolites in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their Modulation after Microbiota Transfer Therapy"mSphere 5:e00314-20 (2020) Editor's Pick
[Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, E. Roth, G. Grivas, J. Ferina, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder from Blood Metabolites: Robustness to the Presence of Co-occurring Conditions"Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders77, 101644 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
E. Lopez, J. Hahn, L.M. Gómez Echavarría, and H. Alvarez. "Input Trajectory Design for the Enhancement of State Estimation through a Set-theoretic Approach to Observability"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research59, No. 30, pp. 13631-13641 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Maiti, G. Grivas, K. Choi, W. Dai, Y. Ding, D. Penarete Acosta, J. Hahn, and A. Jayaraman. "Modeling Inter-Kingdom Regulation of Inflammatory Signaling in Human Intestinal Epithelial Cells"Computers and Chemical Engineering140, 106954 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, G. Grivas, K.L. Hollowood-Jones, and J. Hahn. "Towards a Multivariate Biomarker-based Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Review and Discussion of Recent Advancements"Seminars in Pediatric Neurology34: 100803 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
G. Grivas, T. Vargason, and J. Hahn. "Biomarker Identification of Complex Diseases/Disorders: Methodological Parallels to Parameter Estimation"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research59, No. 6, pp. 2366-2377 (2020) Journal Cover [Publication, Abstract]
F. Qureshi, J.B. Adams, D. Coleman, D. Quig, and J. Hahn. "Urinary Essential Elements of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their Mothers"Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 72: 101518 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
F. Fan, H. Shan, M.K. Kalra, R. Singh, G. Qian, M. Getzin, Y. Teng, J. Hahn, and G. Wang. "Quadratic Autoencoder (Q-AE) for Low-dose CT Denoising"IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39, No. 6, pp. 2035-2050 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
J.B. Adams, T. Vargason, D.-W. Kang, R. Krajmalnik-Brown, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Analysis of Plasma Metabolites in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gastrointestinal Symptoms Before and After Microbiota Transfer Therapy"Processes 7, No. 11: 806 (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, R.E. Frye, D.L. McGuinness, and J. Hahn. "Clustering of Co-occurring Conditions in Autism Spectrum Disorder during Early Childhood: A Retrospective Analysis of Medical Claims Data"Autism Research12, No. 8, pp. 1272-1285 (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, D.L. McGuinness, and J. Hahn. "Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Oral Antibiotic Use in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Retrospective Analysis of a Privately Insured U.S. Population"Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49, No. 2, pp. 647-659 (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, U. Kruger, E. Roth, L.M. Delhey, M. Tippett, S. Rose, S.C. Bennuri, J.C. Slattery, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Comparison of Three Clinical Trial Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder through Multivariate Analysis of Changes in Metabolic Profiles and Adaptive Behavior"Front. Cell. Neurosci. 12:503 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
K.L. Hollowood, S. Melnyk, O. Pavliv, T. Evans, A. Sides, R.J. Schmidt, I. Hertz-Picciotto, W. Elms, E. Guerrero, U. Kruger, J. Hahn, and S.J. James. "Maternal Metabolic Profile Predicts High or Low Risk of an Autism Pregnancy Outcome"Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders56, pp. 72-82 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
S.M. Quinn, D.P. Howsmon, J. Hahn, and S.P. Gilbert. "Kinesin-2 Heterodimerization Alters Entry into a Processive Run along the Microtubule but not Stepping Within the Run"Journal of Biological Chemistry293, pp. 13389-13400 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
D.P. Howsmon, T. Vargason, R.A. Rubin, L. Delhey, M. Tippett, S. Rose, S.C. Bennuri, J.C. Slattery, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Techniques Enable a Biochemical Classification of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder versus Typically-Developing Peers: A Comparison and Validation Study"Bioengineering & Translational Medicine3, No. 2, pp. 156-165 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
K. Connery, M. Tippett, L. Delhey, S. Rose, J. Slattery, S.G. Kahler, J. Hahn, U. Kruger, M.W. Cunningham, C. Shimasaki, and R.E. Frye. "Intravenous Immunoglobulin for the Treatment of Autoimmune Encephalopathy in Children with Autism"Translational Psychiatry8:148 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
A. Sinkoe, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Dynamic Optimal Experimental Design Yields Marginal Improvement over Steady-state Results for Computational Maximization of Regulatory T Cell Induction in ex vivo Culture"IET Systems Biology12, No. 6, pp. 241-246 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, D.P. Howsmon, and J. Hahn. "From Data to Diagnosis: The Search for Biochemical Markers of Autism Spectrum Disorder"Chemical Engineering Progress114, No. 5, pp. 40-45 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, U. Kruger, D.L. McGuinness, J.B. Adams, E. Geis, E. Gehn, D. Coleman, and J. Hahn. "Investigating Plasma Amino Acids for Differentiating Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Peers"Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders50, pp. 60-72 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
D.P. Howsmon, J.B. Adams, U. Kruger, E. Geis, E. Gehn, and J. Hahn. "Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Profiles in Children Are Not Predictive of Autism Spectrum Disorder Status: A Case Control Study"Biomarker Research6:12 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
D.P. Howsmon, N. Baysal, B.A. Buckingham, G.P. Forlenza, T.T. Ly, D.M. Maahs, T. Marcal, L. Towers, E. Mauritzen, S. Deshpande, L.M. Huyett, J.E. Pinsker, R. Gondhalekar, F.J. Doyle III, E. Dassau, J. Hahn, and B.W. Bequette. "Real-time Detection of Infusion Site Failures in a Closed-Loop Artificial Pancreas"Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology12, Vol. 3, pp. 599-607 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
D.-W. Kang, Z.E. Ilhan, N.G. Isern, D.W. Hoyt, D.P. Howsmon, M. Shaffer, C.A. Lozupone, J. Hahn, J.B. Adams, and R. Krajmalnik-Brown. "Differences in Fecal Microbial Metabolites and Microbiota of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders"Anaerobe49, pp. 121-131 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Steinmeyer, D.P. Howsmon, R.C. Alaniz, J. Hahn, and A. Jayaraman. "Empirical Modeling of T cell Activation Predicts Interplay of Host Cytokines and Bacterial Indole"Biotechnology & Bioengineering114, No. 11, pp. 2660-2667 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
A. Sinkoe and J. Hahn. "Optimal Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation of an IL-6 Signaling Model"Processes5, No. 3: 49 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, D.P. Howsmon, D.L. McGuinness, and J. Hahn. "On the Use of Multivariate Methods for Analysis of Data from Biological Networks"Processes5, No. 3: 36 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Fu, U. Kruger, Z. Li, L. Xie, J. Thompson, D. Rooney, J. Hahn, and H. Yang. "Cross-validatory Framework for Optimal Parameter Estimation of KPCA and KPLS Models"Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems167, pp. 196-207 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
D.P. Howsmon, U. Kruger, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, and J. Hahn. "Classification and Adaptive Behavior Prediction of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder based upon Multivariate Data Analysis of Markers of Oxidative Stress and DNA Methylation"PLoS Computational Biology 13(3): e1005385 (2017) Journal Cover [Publication, Abstract]
J.B. Adams, D.P. Howsmon, U. Kruger, E. Geis, E. Gehn, V. Fimbres, E. Pollard, J. Mitchell, J. Ingram, R. Hellmers, D. Quig, and J. Hahn. "Significant Association of Urinary Toxic Metals and Autism-Related Symptoms - A Nonlinear Statistical Analysis with Cross Validation"PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169526 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
D.P. Howsmon, F. Cameron, N. Baysal, T.T. Ly, G.P. Forlenza, D.M. Maahs, B.A. Buckingham, J. Hahn, and B.W. Bequette. "Continuous Glucose Monitoring Enables Detection of Losses in Infusion Set Actuation (LISAs)"Sensors17(1), 161 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Vargason, D.P. Howsmon, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, and J. Hahn. "Mathematical Modeling of the Methionine Cycle and Transsulfuration Pathway in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder"Journal of Theoretical Biology 416, pp. 28-37 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Tututi-Avila, L.A. Domínguez-Díaz, N. Medina-Herrera, A. Jiménez-Gutiérrez, and J. Hahn. "Dividing-Wall Columns: Design and Control of a Kaibel and a Satellite Distillation Column for BTX Separation"Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification114, pp. 1-15 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Tututi-Avila, N. Medina-Herrera, J. Hahn, and A. Jiménez-Gutiérrez. "Design of an Energy-Efficient Side-Stream Extractive Distillation System"Computers and Chemical Engineering, 102, pp. 17-25 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
D.P. Howsmon and J. Hahn. "Regularization Techniques to Overcome Over-Parameterization of Complex Biochemical Reaction Networks"IEEE Life Science Letters2, No. 3, pp. 31-34 (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
J.A. Jones, V.R. Vernacchio, A.L. Sinkoe, S.M. Collins, M.H. Ibrahim, D.M. Lachance, J. Hahn, and M.A. Koffas. "Experimental and Computational Optimization of an Escherichia Coli Co-culture for the Efficient Production of Flavonoids"Metabolic Engineering35, pp. 55-63 (2016)
[Publication, Abstract]
V. Mahindrakar and J. Hahn. "Model Predictive Control of Reactive Distillation for Benzene Hydrogenation"Control Engineering Practice52, pp. 103-113 (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Omer, X. Intes, and J. Hahn. "Temporal Data Set Reduction Based on D-optimality for Quantitative FLIM-FRET Imaging"PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144421 (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
P. Zhang, W. Dai, J. Hahn, and S.P. Gilbert. "Drosophila Ncd Reveals an Evolutionarily Conserved Powerstroke Mechanism for Homodimeric and Heterodimeric Kinesin-14s"PNAS112, No. 20, pp. 6359-6364 (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
G. Zheng, D. Howsmon, B. Zhang, J. Hahn, D. McGuinness, J. Hendler, and H. Ji. "Entity Linking for Biomedical Literature"BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making15, No. S1, S4 (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Maiti, W. Dai, R. Alaniz, J. Hahn, and A. Jayaraman. "Mathematical Modeling of Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Signaling in Macrophages"Processes3, No. 1, pp. 1-18 (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
W. Dai, J. Kang, and J. Hahn. "Reconstruction of Transcription Factor Profiles via Dynamic Optimization and Tikhonov Regularization"AIChE Journal60, No. 11, pp. 3754-3761 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
T. Omer, L. Zhao, X. Intes, and J. Hahn. "Reduced Temporal Sampling Effect on Time-domain Fluorescence Lifetime FRET Accuracy"Journal of Biomedical Optics19, No. 8, 086023 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Liu, W. Dai, and J. Hahn. "Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Crosstalk between MAPK Pathway and Smad-dependent TGF-b Signal Transduction"Processes2, No. 3, pp. 570-595 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Tututi-Avila, A. Jimenez-Gutierrez, and J. Hahn. "Control Analysis of an Extractive Dividing-Wall Column used for Ethanol Dehydration"Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification82, pp. 88-100 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
V. Mahindrakar and J. Hahn. "Dynamics and Control of Benzene Hydrogenation via Reactive Distillation"Journal of Process Control24, No. 3, pp. 113-124 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Tututi-Avila, A. Jimenez-Gutierrez, and J. Hahn. "Analysis of Multi-loop Control Structures for Dividing-Wall Distillation Columns Using a Fundamental Model"Processes2, No. 1, pp. 180-199 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
W. Dai, L. Bansal, D. Word, and J. Hahn. "Parameter Set Selection for Dynamic Systems under Uncertainty via Dynamic Optimization and Hierarchical Clustering"AIChE Journal60, No. 1, pp. 181-192 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
A. Bhadouria, M. Sorci, M. Gu, G. Belfort, and J. Hahn. "Optimization of Membrane Separation Processes for Protein Fractionation"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research53, No. 13, pp. 5103-5109 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
W. Dai, D. Word, and J. Hahn. "Modeling and Dynamic Optimization of Fuel-grade Ethanol Fermentation Using Fed-batch Process"Control Engineering Practice 22 pp. 231-241 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
L. Bansal, R. Nelson, E. Yang, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Experimental Design of Systems Involving Multiple Fluorescent Protein Reporters"Chemical Engineering Science101 191-198 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
C. Kravaris, J. Hahn, and Y. Chu. "Advances and Selected Recent Developments in State and Parameter Estimation"Computers & Chemical Engineering51, pp. 111-123 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
M. Serpas, Y. Chu, and J. Hahn. "Fault Detection Approach for Systems Involving Soft Sensors"Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries26, No. 3, pp 443-452 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn, C. Scali, M. Kano, C. Georgakis, L. Bergh, J.A. Moreno Perez, and K. Asano. "Editorial: Special Issue Containing Selected Papers of the 18th IFAC World Congress"Journal of Process Control23, No. 2, pp 99 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Necessary Condition for Applying Experimental Design Criteria to Global Sensitivity Analysis Results"Computers & Chemical Engineering48, pp. 280-292 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
M. Serpas, G. Hackebeil, C. Laird, and J. Hahn. "Sensor Location for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems via Observability Analysis and Max-Det Optimization"Computers & Chemical Engineering48, pp. 105-112 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
D.J. Munoz-Pinto, X. Qu, L. Bansal, H.N. Hayenga, J. Hahn, and M.S. Hahn. "Relative Impact of Form-induced Stress vs. Uniaxial Alignment on Multipotent Stem Cell Myogenesis"Acta Biomaterialia11, No. 11, pp. 3974-3981 (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
L. Bansal, Y. Chu, C. Laird, and J. Hahn. "Regularization of Inverse Problems to Determine Transcription Factor Profiles from Fluorescent Reporter Systems"AIChE Journal58, No. 12, pp. 3751-376 (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
Z. Huang, Y. Chu, and J. Hahn. "Computing Transcription Factor Distribution Profiles from Green Fluorescent Protein Reporter Data"Chemical Engineering Science68, No. 1, pp. 340-354 (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Generalization of a Parameter Set Selection Procedure based upon Orthogonal Projections and the D-Optimality Criterion"AIChE Journal58, No. 7, pp. 2085-2096 (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu, M. Serpas, and J. Hahn. "State-preserving Nonlinear Model Reduction Procedure"Chemical Engineering Science66, No. 17, pp. 3907-3913 (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu, Z. Huang, and J. Hahn. "Global Sensitivity Analysis Procedure Accounting for Effect of Available Experimental Data"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research50, No. 3, pp. 1294-1304 (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
C. Moya, Z. Huang, P. Cheng, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Investigation of IL-6 and IL-10 Signaling via Mathematical Modeling"IET Systems Biology5, No. 1, pp. 15-26 (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
Z. Huang, C. Moya, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Using the Tet-On System to Develop a Procedure for Extracting Transcription Factor Activation Dynamics"Molecular BioSystems6, No. 10, pp. 1883-1889 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
R. Kaunas, Z. Huang, and J. Hahn. "A Kinematic Model Coupling Stress Fiber Dynamics with JNK Activation in Response to Matrix Stretching"Journal of Theoretical Biology264, No. 2, pp. 593-603 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Quantitative Optimal Experimental Design using Global Sensitivity Analysis via Quasi Linearization"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research49, No. 17, pp. 7782-7794 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
Z. Huang, Y. Chu, and J. Hahn. "Model Simplification Procedure for Signal Transduction Pathway Models: An Application to IL-6 Signaling"Chemical Engineering Science65, No. 6, pp. 1964-1975 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
Z. Huang, Y. Chu, B. Cunha, and J. Hahn. "Generalization of a Procedure for Computing Transcription Factor Profiles"IET Systems Biology4, No. 2, pp. 108-118 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu, Z. Huang, and J. Hahn. "Improving Prediction Capabilities of Complex Dynamic Models via Parameter Selection and Estimation"Chemical Engineering Science64, No. 19, pp. 4178-4185 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
A. McArdle, U. Kruger, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Statistical Analysis Applied to an IL6 Signal Transduction Model in Hepatocytes"Statistics in Medicine28 , No. 19, pp. 2401-2434 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Parameter Set Selection via Clustering of Parameters into Pair-wise Indistinguishable Groups of Parameters"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research48, No. 13, pp. 6000-6009 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
C. Qu and J. Hahn. "Process Monitoring and Parameter Estimation via Unscented Kalman Filtering"Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries22, No. 6, pp. 703-709 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
Z. Huang and J. Hahn. "Fuzzy Modeling of Signal Transduction Networks"Chemical Engineering Science64, No. 9, pp. 2044-2056 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
C. Qu and J. Hahn. "Computation of Arrival Cost for Moving Horizon Estimation via Unscented Kalman Filtering"Journal of Process Control19, No. 2, pp. 538-563 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
Z. Huang, F. Senocak, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Integrated Modeling and Experimental Approach for Determining Transcription Factor Profiles from Fluorescent Reporter Data"BMC Systems Biology2:64 (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Integrating Parameter Selection with Experimental Design under Uncertainty for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems"AIChE Journal54, No. 9, pp. 2310-2320 (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn, M. Moennigmann, and W. Marquardt. "On the Use of Bifurcation Analysis for Robust Controller Tuning for Nonlinear Systems"Journal of Process Control18, No. 3-4, pp. 408-420 (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Brewer, Z. Huang, A.K. Singh, M. Misra, and J. Hahn. "Sensor Network Design via Observability Analysis and Principal Component Analysis"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research46, No. 24, pp. 8026-8032 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Parameter Set Selection for Estimation for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems"AIChE Journal53, No. 11, pp. 2858-2870 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of IL-6 Signaling Pathways"IET Systems Biology1, No. 6, pp. 342-352 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn. "Review: Introduction to Process Control"Journal of Process Control17, No. 2, pp. 187-188 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
A.K. Singh, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "A Case Study of Representing Signal Transduction in Liver Cells as a Feedback Control Problem"Chemical Engineering Education41, No. 3, pp. 177-182 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Development of Parameter Sensitivity Analysis Techniques for Studying Interactions among Parameters and Application to Systems Biology"Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems14, No. S2, pp 220-226 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
A.K Singh, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Modeling Regulatory Mechanisms in IL-6 Signal Transduction in Hepatocytes"Biotechnology & Bioengineering95, No. 5, pp. 850-862 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
C. Sun and J. Hahn. "Parameter Reduction for Stable Dynamical Systems based on Hankel Singular Values and Sensitivity Analysis"Chemical Engineering Science61, No. 16, pp. 5393-5403 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
A.K Singh and J. Hahn. "Sensor Location for Stable Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: Multiple Sensor Case"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research45, No. 10, pp. 3615-3623 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn. "Review: Handbook of PI and PID Controller Tuning Rules"IEEE Control Systems Magazine26, No. 1, pp. 92-93 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Zhou, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "Process Monitoring Based on Classification Tree and Discriminant Analysis"Reliability Engineering & System Safety91, No. 5, pp. 546-555 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
W.H. Jang, J. Hahn, and K.R. Hall. "The Design Benefit Method: A Framework for Allocating Joint Costs among Joint Products"Hydrocarbon Processing, January, (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Rajaraman, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "Sensor Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Processes with Parametric Uncertainties"Journal of Hazardous Materials130, No. 1-2, pp. 1-8 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
C. Sun and J. Hahn. "Model Reduction in the Presence of Uncertainty in Model Parameters"Journal of Process Control16, No. 6, pp. 645-649 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
W.H. Jang, K.R. Hall, and J. Hahn. "Genetic/Quadratic Search Algorithm for Plant Economic Optimizations Using a Process Simulator"Computers and Chemical Engineering30, No. 2, pp. 285-294 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
U. Kruger, D. Antory, J. Hahn, G.W. Irwin, and G. McCullough. "Introduction of a Nonlinearity Measure for Principal Component Models"Computers and Chemical Engineering29, No. 11-12, pp. 2355-2362 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
A. Singh and J. Hahn. "State Estimation for High-Dimensional Chemical Processes"Computers and Chemical Engineering29, No. 11-12, pp. 2326-2334 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
A.K Singh and J. Hahn. "Determining Optimal Sensor Locations for State and Parameter Estimation for Stable Nonlinear Systems"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research44, No. 15, pp. 5645-5659 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
C. Sun and J. Hahn. "Reduction of Differential-Algebraic Equation Systems via Projections and System Identification"Journal of Process Control15, No. 6, pp. 639 -650 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
G. Froment, M. El-Halwagi, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "Foreword: Selected Papers Presented at the Symposium on Modeling of Complex Processes"Computers and Chemical Engineering29, No. 11-12, pp. 2265 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
M. Guay, R. Dier, J. Hahn, and P. J. McLellan. "Effect of Process Nonlinearity on Linear Quadratic Regulator Performance"Journal of Process Control15, No. 1, pp. 113-123 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
S. Rajaraman, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "A Methodology for Fault Detection, Isolation, and Identification for Nonlinear Processes with Parametric Uncertainties"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research43, No. 21, pp. 6774 -6786 (2004) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn. "Review: Handbook of PI and PID Controller Tuning Rules"Journal of Process Control14, No. 5, pp. 591 (2004) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn, M. Monnigmann, and W. Marquardt. "A Method for Robustness Analysis of Controlled Nonlinear Systems"Chemical Engineering Science59, pp. 4325-4338 (2004) [Publication, Abstract]
Y. Zhou, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "Fault Detection and Classification in Chemical Processes Based on Neural Networks with Feature Extraction"ISA Transactions42, No. 4, pp. 651-664 (2003) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn, T.F. Edgar, and W. Marquardt. "Controllability and Observability Covariance Matrices for the Analysis and Order Reduction of Stable Nonlinear Systems"Journal of Process Control13, No. 2, pp. 115-127 (2003) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar. "An Improved Method for Nonlinear Model Reduction Using Balancing of Empirical Gramians"Computers and Chemical Engineering 26, No. 10, pp. 1379-1397 (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn, S. Lextrait, and T.F. Edgar. "Nonlinear Balanced Model Residualization via Neural Networks"AIChE Journal48, No. 6, pp. 1353-1357 (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar. "Balancing Approach to Minimal Realization and Model Reduction of Stable Nonlinear Systems"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research41, No. 9, pp. 2204-2212 (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn, T. Edison, and T.F. Edgar. "Adaptive IMC Control for Drug Infusion for Biological Systems"Control Engineering Practice10, No. 1, pp. 45-56 (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar. "A Gramian Based Approach to Nonlinearity Quantification and Model Classification"Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research40, No. 24, pp. 5724-5731 (2001) [Publication, Abstract]
J. Hahn, T. Edison, and T.F. Edgar. "A Note on Stability Analysis using Bode Plots"Chemical Engineering Education35, No. 3, pp. 208-211 (2001) [Publication, Abstract]
T.F. Edgar, S.W. Butler, J. Campbell, C. Pfeiffer, C. Bode, S.B. Hwang, K.S. Balakrishnan, and J. Hahn. " Automatic Control in Microelectronics Manufacturing: Practices, Challenges, and Possibilities"Automatica36, No. 11, pp. 1567-1603 (2000) [Publication, Abstract]