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Journal Publications

  1. J. Chuah, C.V. Cordi, J. Hahn, and J.M. Hurley. "Dual-approach co-Expression Analysis Framework (D-CAF) Enables Identification of Novel Circadian co-Regulation from Multi-omic Timeseries Data" BMC Bioinformatics 26, 72 (2025). [Publication, Abstract]
  2. X. Song, J. Zhang, P. Yan, J. Hahn, U. Kruger, H. Mohamed, and G. Wang. "Integrating AI in College Education: Positive yet Mixed Experiences with ChatGPT" Meta-Radiology 2, No. 4, 100113 (2024)  [Publication, Abstract]
  3. D. Machado Reyes, H. Chao, J. Hahn, L. Shen, and P. Yan. "Identifying Progression-Specific Alzheimer’s Subtypes Using Multimodal Transformer" Journal of Personalized Medicine 14, No. 4, 421  (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  4. J.R. Chuah, P. Yan, G. Wang, and J. Hahn. "Towards the Generation of Medical Imaging Classifiers Robust to Common Perturbations" BioMedInformatics 4, No. 2, pp. 889-910 (2024)  [Publication, Abstract]
  5. R.A. Culibrk, K.A. Ebbert, D.J. Yeisley, R. Chen, F.A. Qureshi, J. Hahn, and M.S. Hahn. "Impact of Suramin on Key Pathological Features of Sporadic Alzheimer's Disease-Derived Forebrain Neurons" Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 98, No. 1, pp. 301-318 (2024)  [Publication, Abstract]
  6. H. Kerr, E. Ledet, J. Hahn, K. Hollowood, M. Bowen, A. White, D. Light, and C. Nelson. "Accurate Prediction of Recovery and Successful Return to Sports from Sports-related Concussion (SRC) Requires Quantitative Assessment of Balance" British Journal of Sports Medicine 58, No. S1, pp. A37-A38 (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  7. J. Ferina, M. Kruger, U. Kruger, D. Ryan, C. Anderson, J. Foster, T. Hamlin, and J. Hahn. "Predicting Problematic Behavior in Autism Spectrum Disorder using Medical History and Environmental Data" Journal of Personalized Medicine 13, No. 10, 1513 (2023) [Publication, Abstract]
  8. F. Qureshi and J. Hahn. "Towards the Development of a Diagnostic Test for Autism Spectrum Disorder: Big Data Meets Metabolomics" Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 101, No. 1, pp. 9-17 (2023) [Publication, Abstract]
  9. A.S. Arabiyat, D.J. Yeisley, V.R. Güiza-Argüello, F. Qureshi, R.A Culibrk, J. Hahn, and M.S. Hahn. "Effects of Stromal Cell Conditioned Medium and Anti-purinergic Treatment on Macrophage Phenotype" Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 28, No. 12, pp. 656-671 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
  10. K. Nirmalkar, F. Qureshi, D.-W. Kang, J. Hahn, J.B. Adams, R. Krajmalnik-Brown. "Shotgun Metagenomics Study Suggests Alteration in Sulfur Metabolism and Oxidative Stress in Children with Autism and Improvement after Microbiota Transfer Therapy" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, No. 21, 13481 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
  11. G. Grivas, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Maternal Risk Factors vary between Subpopulations of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder" Autism Research 15, No. 11, pp 2038-2055 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
  12. J. Chuah, U. Kruger, G. Wang, P. Yan, and J. Hahn. "Framework for Testing Robustness of Machine Learning-Based Classifiers" Journal of Personalized Medicine 12, No. 8, 1314 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
  13. F. Qureshi, J.B. Adams, T. Audhya, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Analysis of Metabolomic and Nutritional Profiles among Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder" Journal of Personalized Medicine 12, No. 6, 923 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
  14. U. Kruger, X. Wang, M.J. Embrechts, A. Almansoori, and J. Hahn. "Regularized Error-in-Variable Estimation for Big Data Modeling and Process Analytics" Control Engineering Practice 121, 105060 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
  15. H. Kerr, E. Ledet, J. Hahn, and K. Hollowood-Jones. "Accurate Prediction of Successful Return to Sports from Sports-Related Concussion (SRC) is Enhanced by Quantitative Assessment of Balance in a Cohort of Youth Concussions with Tracked Recovery" Sports Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach 14, No. 6, pp. 875-884 (2022) [Publication, Abstract]
  16. G. Grivas, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Pregnant Mothers’ Medical Claims and Associated Risk of their Children being Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder" Journal of Personalized Medicine 11, No. 10, 950 (2021) [Publication, Abstract]
  17. G.A. Buitimea-Cerón, J. Hahn, N. Medina-Herrera, A. Jiménez-Gutiérrez, J.A. Loredo-Medrano, and S. Tututi-Avila. "Dividing-wall Column Design: Analysis of Methodologies Tailored to Process Simulators" Processes 9, No. 7, 1189 (2021)   [Publication, Abstract]
  18. S.M. Quinn, T. Vargason, N. Pokhrel, E. Antony, J. Hahn, and S.P. Gilbert. "KIF3A Accelerates KIF3C within the Kinesin-2 Heterodimer to Generate Symmetrical Phosphate Release Rates for each Processive Step" Journal of Biological Chemistry 296, 100020 (2021) [Publication, Abstract]
  19. K. Hollowood-Jones, J.B. Adams, D.M. Coleman, S. Ramamoorthy, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, B.K. Woodruff, E.L. Pollard, C.L. Snozek, U. Kruger, J. Chuah, and J. Hahn. "Altered Metabolism of Mothers of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Case Control Study" BMC Pediatrics 20, 557 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
  20. F. Qureshi, J.B. Adams, K. Hanagan, D.-W. Kang, R. Krajmalnik-Brown, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Analysis of Fecal Metabolites from Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gastrointestinal Symptoms" Journal of Personalized Medicine 10, No. 4,  152 (2020) Editor's Choice [Publication, Abstract]
  21. D.-W. Kang, J.B. Adams, T. Vargason, M. Santiago, J. Hahn, and R. Krajmalnik-Brown. "Distinct Fecal and Plasma Metabolites in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and their Modulation after Microbiota Transfer Therapy" mSphere 5:e00314-20 (2020) Editor's Pick   [Publication, Abstract]
  22. T. Vargason, E. Roth, G. Grivas, J. Ferina, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Classification of Autism Spectrum Disorder from Blood Metabolites: Robustness to the Presence of Co-occurring Conditions" Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 77, 101644 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
  23. E. Lopez, J. Hahn, L.M. Gómez Echavarría, and H. Alvarez. "Input Trajectory Design for the Enhancement of State Estimation through a Set-theoretic Approach to Observability" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59, No. 30, pp. 13631-13641 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
  24. S. Maiti, G. Grivas, K. Choi, W. Dai, Y. Ding, D. Penarete Acosta, J. Hahn, and A. Jayaraman. "Modeling Inter-Kingdom Regulation of Inflammatory Signaling in Human Intestinal Epithelial Cells" Computers and Chemical Engineering 140, 106954 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
  25. T. Vargason, G. Grivas, K.L. Hollowood-Jones, and J. Hahn. "Towards a Multivariate Biomarker-based Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder: Review and Discussion of Recent Advancements" Seminars in Pediatric Neurology 34: 100803 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
  26. G. Grivas, T. Vargason, and J. Hahn. "Biomarker Identification of Complex Diseases/Disorders: Methodological Parallels to Parameter Estimation" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 59, No. 6, pp. 2366-2377 (2020) Journal Cover [Publication, Abstract]
  27. F. Qureshi, J.B. Adams, D. Coleman, D. Quig, and J. Hahn. "Urinary Essential Elements of Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and their Mothers" Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 72: 101518 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
  28. F. Fan, H. Shan, M.K. Kalra, R. Singh, G. Qian, M. Getzin, Y. Teng, J. Hahn, and G. Wang. "Quadratic Autoencoder (Q-AE) for Low-dose CT Denoising" IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 39, No. 6, pp. 2035-2050 (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
  29. J.B. Adams, T. Vargason, D.-W. Kang, R. Krajmalnik-Brown, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Analysis of Plasma Metabolites in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Gastrointestinal Symptoms Before and After Microbiota Transfer Therapy" Processes 7, No. 11: 806 (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
  30. T. Vargason, R.E. Frye, D.L. McGuinness, and J. Hahn. "Clustering of Co-occurring Conditions in Autism Spectrum Disorder during Early Childhood: A Retrospective Analysis of Medical Claims Data" Autism Research 12, No. 8, pp. 1272-1285 (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
  31. T. Vargason, D.L. McGuinness, and J. Hahn. "Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Oral Antibiotic Use in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Retrospective Analysis of a Privately Insured U.S. Population" Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 49, No. 2, pp. 647-659 (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
  32. T. Vargason, U. Kruger, E. Roth, L.M. Delhey, M. Tippett, S. Rose, S.C. Bennuri, J.C. Slattery, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Comparison of Three Clinical Trial Treatments for Autism Spectrum Disorder through Multivariate Analysis of Changes in Metabolic Profiles and Adaptive Behavior" Front. Cell. Neurosci. 12:503 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  33. K.L. Hollowood, S. Melnyk, O. Pavliv, T. Evans, A. Sides, R.J. Schmidt, I. Hertz-Picciotto, W. Elms, E. Guerrero, U. Kruger, J. Hahn, and S.J. James. "Maternal Metabolic Profile Predicts High or Low Risk of an Autism Pregnancy Outcome" Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 56, pp. 72-82 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  34. S.M. Quinn, D.P. Howsmon, J. Hahn, and S.P. Gilbert. "Kinesin-2 Heterodimerization Alters Entry into a Processive Run along the Microtubule but not Stepping Within the Run" Journal of Biological Chemistry 293, pp. 13389-13400 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  35. D.P. Howsmon, T. Vargason, R.A. Rubin, L. Delhey, M. Tippett, S. Rose, S.C. Bennuri, J.C. Slattery, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, R.E. Frye, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Techniques Enable a Biochemical Classification of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder versus Typically-Developing Peers: A Comparison and Validation Study" Bioengineering & Translational Medicine 3, No. 2, pp. 156-165 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  36. K. Connery, M. Tippett, L. Delhey, S. Rose, J. Slattery, S.G. Kahler, J. Hahn, U. Kruger, M.W. Cunningham, C. Shimasaki, and R.E. Frye. "Intravenous Immunoglobulin for the Treatment of Autoimmune Encephalopathy in Children with Autism" Translational Psychiatry 8:148 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  37. A. Sinkoe, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Dynamic Optimal Experimental Design Yields Marginal Improvement over Steady-state Results for Computational Maximization of Regulatory T Cell Induction in ex vivo Culture" IET Systems Biology 12, No. 6, pp. 241-246 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  38. T. Vargason, D.P. Howsmon, and J. Hahn. "From Data to Diagnosis: The Search for Biochemical Markers of Autism Spectrum Disorder" Chemical Engineering Progress 114, No. 5, pp. 40-45 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  39. T. Vargason, U. Kruger, D.L. McGuinness, J.B. Adams, E. Geis, E. Gehn, D. Coleman, and J. Hahn. "Investigating Plasma Amino Acids for Differentiating Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Typically Developing Peers" Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders 50, pp. 60-72 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  40. D.P. Howsmon, J.B. Adams, U. Kruger, E. Geis, E. Gehn, and J. Hahn. "Erythrocyte Fatty Acid Profiles in Children Are Not Predictive of Autism Spectrum Disorder Status: A Case Control Study" Biomarker Research 6:12 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  41. D.P. Howsmon, N. Baysal, B.A. Buckingham, G.P. Forlenza, T.T. Ly, D.M. Maahs, T. Marcal, L. Towers, E. Mauritzen, S. Deshpande, L.M. Huyett, J.E. Pinsker, R. Gondhalekar, F.J. Doyle III, E. Dassau, J. Hahn, and B.W. Bequette. "Real-time Detection of Infusion Site Failures in a Closed-Loop Artificial Pancreas" Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology 12, Vol. 3, pp. 599-607 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  42. D.-W. Kang, Z.E. Ilhan, N.G. Isern, D.W. Hoyt, D.P. Howsmon, M. Shaffer, C.A. Lozupone, J. Hahn, J.B. Adams, and R. Krajmalnik-Brown. "Differences in Fecal Microbial Metabolites and Microbiota of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders" Anaerobe 49, pp. 121-131 (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  43. S. Steinmeyer, D.P. Howsmon, R.C. Alaniz, J. Hahn, and A. Jayaraman. "Empirical Modeling of T cell Activation Predicts Interplay of Host Cytokines and Bacterial Indole" Biotechnology & Bioengineering 114, No. 11, pp. 2660-2667 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  44. A. Sinkoe and J. Hahn. "Optimal Experimental Design for Parameter Estimation of an IL-6 Signaling Model" Processes 5, No. 3: 49 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  45. T. Vargason, D.P. Howsmon, D.L. McGuinness, and J. Hahn. "On the Use of Multivariate Methods for Analysis of Data from Biological Networks" Processes 5, No. 3: 36 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  46. Y. Fu, U. Kruger, Z. Li, L. Xie, J. Thompson, D. Rooney, J. Hahn, and H. Yang. "Cross-validatory Framework for Optimal Parameter Estimation of KPCA and KPLS Models" Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 167, pp. 196-207 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  47. D.P. Howsmon, U. Kruger, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, and J. Hahn. "Classification and Adaptive Behavior Prediction of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder based upon Multivariate Data Analysis of Markers of Oxidative Stress and DNA Methylation" PLoS Computational Biology 13(3): e1005385 (2017) Journal Cover [Publication, Abstract]
  48. J.B. Adams, D.P. Howsmon, U. Kruger, E. Geis, E. Gehn, V. Fimbres, E. Pollard, J. Mitchell, J. Ingram, R. Hellmers, D. Quig, and J. Hahn. "Significant Association of Urinary Toxic Metals and Autism-Related Symptoms - A Nonlinear Statistical Analysis with Cross Validation" PLoS ONE 12(1): e0169526 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  49. D.P. Howsmon, F. Cameron, N. Baysal, T.T. Ly, G.P. Forlenza, D.M. Maahs, B.A. Buckingham, J. Hahn, and B.W. Bequette. "Continuous Glucose Monitoring Enables Detection of Losses in Infusion Set Actuation (LISAs)" Sensors 17(1), 161 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  50. T. Vargason, D.P. Howsmon, S. Melnyk, S.J. James, and J. Hahn. "Mathematical Modeling of the Methionine Cycle and Transsulfuration Pathway in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder" Journal of Theoretical Biology 416, pp. 28-37 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  51. S. Tututi-Avila, L.A. Domínguez-Díaz, N. Medina-Herrera, A. Jiménez-Gutiérrez, and J. Hahn. "Dividing-Wall Columns: Design and Control of a Kaibel and a Satellite Distillation Column for BTX Separation" Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 114, pp. 1-15 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  52. S. Tututi-Avila, N. Medina-Herrera, J. Hahn, and A. Jiménez-Gutiérrez. "Design of an Energy-Efficient Side-Stream Extractive Distillation System" Computers and Chemical Engineering, 102, pp. 17-25 (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  53. D.P. Howsmon and J. Hahn. "Regularization Techniques to Overcome Over-Parameterization of Complex Biochemical Reaction Networks" IEEE Life Science Letters 2, No. 3, pp. 31-34 (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  54. J.A. Jones, V.R. Vernacchio, A.L. Sinkoe, S.M. Collins, M.H. Ibrahim, D.M. Lachance, J. Hahn, and M.A. Koffas. "Experimental and Computational Optimization of an Escherichia Coli Co-culture for the Efficient Production of Flavonoids" Metabolic Engineering 35, pp. 55-63 (2016)   [Publication, Abstract]
  55. V. Mahindrakar and J. Hahn. "Model Predictive Control of Reactive Distillation for Benzene Hydrogenation" Control Engineering Practice 52, pp. 103-113 (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  56. T. Omer, X. Intes, and J. Hahn. "Temporal Data Set Reduction Based on D-optimality for Quantitative FLIM-FRET Imaging" PLoS ONE 10(12): e0144421 (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  57. P. Zhang, W. Dai, J. Hahn, and S.P. Gilbert. "Drosophila Ncd Reveals an Evolutionarily Conserved Powerstroke Mechanism for Homodimeric and Heterodimeric Kinesin-14s" PNAS 112, No. 20, pp. 6359-6364 (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  58. G. Zheng, D. Howsmon, B. Zhang, J. Hahn, D. McGuinness, J. Hendler, and H. Ji. "Entity Linking for Biomedical Literature" BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 15, No. S1, S4 (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  59. S. Maiti, W. Dai, R. Alaniz, J. Hahn, and A. Jayaraman. "Mathematical Modeling of Pro- and Anti-Inflammatory Signaling in Macrophages" Processes 3, No. 1, pp. 1-18 (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  60. W. Dai, J. Kang, and J. Hahn. "Reconstruction of Transcription Factor Profiles via Dynamic Optimization and Tikhonov Regularization" AIChE Journal 60, No. 11, pp. 3754-3761 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  61. T. Omer, L. Zhao, X. Intes, and J. Hahn. "Reduced Temporal Sampling Effect on Time-domain Fluorescence Lifetime FRET Accuracy" Journal of Biomedical Optics 19, No. 8, 086023 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  62. J. Liu, W. Dai, and J. Hahn. "Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Crosstalk between MAPK Pathway and Smad-dependent TGF-b Signal Transduction" Processes 2, No. 3, pp. 570-595 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  63. S. Tututi-Avila, A. Jimenez-Gutierrez, and J. Hahn. "Control Analysis of an Extractive Dividing-Wall Column used for Ethanol Dehydration" Chemical Engineering & Processing: Process Intensification 82, pp. 88-100 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  64. V. Mahindrakar and J. Hahn. "Dynamics and Control of Benzene Hydrogenation via Reactive Distillation" Journal of Process Control 24, No. 3, pp. 113-124 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  65. S. Tututi-Avila, A. Jimenez-Gutierrez, and J. Hahn. "Analysis of Multi-loop Control Structures for Dividing-Wall Distillation Columns Using a Fundamental Model" Processes 2, No. 1, pp. 180-199 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  66. W. Dai, L. Bansal, D. Word, and J. Hahn. "Parameter Set Selection for Dynamic Systems under Uncertainty via Dynamic Optimization and Hierarchical Clustering" AIChE Journal 60, No. 1, pp. 181-192 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  67. A. Bhadouria, M. Sorci, M. Gu, G. Belfort, and J. Hahn. "Optimization of Membrane Separation Processes for Protein Fractionation" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53, No. 13, pp. 5103-5109 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  68. W. Dai, D. Word, and J. Hahn. "Modeling and Dynamic Optimization of Fuel-grade Ethanol Fermentation Using Fed-batch Process" Control Engineering Practice 22 pp. 231-241 (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  69. L. Bansal, R. Nelson, E. Yang, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Experimental Design of Systems Involving Multiple Fluorescent Protein Reporters" Chemical Engineering Science 101 191-198 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  70. C. Kravaris, J. Hahn, and Y. Chu. "Advances and Selected Recent Developments in State and Parameter Estimation" Computers & Chemical Engineering 51, pp. 111-123 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  71. M. Serpas, Y. Chu, and J. Hahn. "Fault Detection Approach for Systems Involving Soft Sensors" Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 26, No. 3, pp 443-452 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  72. J. Hahn, C. Scali, M. Kano, C. Georgakis, L. Bergh, J.A. Moreno Perez, and K. Asano. "Editorial: Special Issue Containing Selected Papers of the 18th IFAC World Congress" Journal of Process Control 23, No. 2, pp 99 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  73. Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Necessary Condition for Applying Experimental Design Criteria to Global Sensitivity Analysis Results" Computers & Chemical Engineering 48, pp. 280-292 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  74. M. Serpas, G. Hackebeil, C. Laird, and J. Hahn. "Sensor Location for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems via Observability Analysis and Max-Det Optimization" Computers & Chemical Engineering 48, pp. 105-112 (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  75. D.J. Munoz-Pinto, X. Qu, L. Bansal, H.N. Hayenga, J. Hahn, and M.S. Hahn. "Relative Impact of Form-induced Stress vs. Uniaxial Alignment on Multipotent Stem Cell Myogenesis" Acta Biomaterialia 11, No. 11, pp. 3974-3981 (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  76. L. Bansal, Y. Chu, C. Laird, and J. Hahn. "Regularization of Inverse Problems to Determine Transcription Factor Profiles from Fluorescent Reporter Systems" AIChE Journal 58, No. 12, pp. 3751-376 (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  77. Z. Huang, Y. Chu, and J. Hahn. "Computing Transcription Factor Distribution Profiles from Green Fluorescent Protein Reporter Data" Chemical Engineering Science 68, No. 1, pp. 340-354 (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  78. Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Generalization of a Parameter Set Selection Procedure based upon Orthogonal Projections and the D-Optimality Criterion" AIChE Journal 58, No. 7, pp. 2085-2096 (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  79. Y. Chu, M. Serpas, and J. Hahn. "State-preserving Nonlinear Model Reduction Procedure" Chemical Engineering Science 66, No. 17, pp. 3907-3913 (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  80. Y. Chu, Z. Huang, and J. Hahn. "Global Sensitivity Analysis Procedure Accounting for Effect of Available Experimental Data" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 50, No. 3, pp. 1294-1304 (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  81. C. Moya, Z. Huang, P. Cheng, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Investigation of IL-6 and IL-10 Signaling via Mathematical Modeling" IET Systems Biology 5, No. 1, pp. 15-26 (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  82. Z. Huang, C. Moya, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Using the Tet-On System to Develop a Procedure for Extracting Transcription Factor Activation Dynamics" Molecular BioSystems 6, No. 10, pp. 1883-1889 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  83. R. Kaunas, Z. Huang, and J. Hahn. "A Kinematic Model Coupling Stress Fiber Dynamics with JNK Activation in Response to Matrix Stretching" Journal of Theoretical Biology 264, No. 2, pp. 593-603 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  84. Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Quantitative Optimal Experimental Design using Global Sensitivity Analysis via Quasi Linearization" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49, No. 17, pp. 7782-7794 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  85. Z. Huang, Y. Chu, and J. Hahn. "Model Simplification Procedure for Signal Transduction Pathway Models: An Application to IL-6 Signaling" Chemical Engineering Science 65, No. 6, pp. 1964-1975 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  86. Z. Huang, Y. Chu, B. Cunha, and J. Hahn. "Generalization of a Procedure for Computing Transcription Factor Profiles" IET Systems Biology 4, No. 2, pp. 108-118 (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  87. Y. Chu, Z. Huang, and J. Hahn. "Improving Prediction Capabilities of Complex Dynamic Models via Parameter Selection and Estimation" Chemical Engineering Science 64, No. 19, pp. 4178-4185 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  88. A. McArdle, U. Kruger, and J. Hahn. "Multivariate Statistical Analysis Applied to an IL6 Signal Transduction Model in Hepatocytes" Statistics in Medicine 28 , No. 19, pp. 2401-2434 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  89. Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Parameter Set Selection via Clustering of Parameters into Pair-wise Indistinguishable Groups of Parameters" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 48, No. 13, pp. 6000-6009 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  90. C. Qu and J. Hahn. "Process Monitoring and Parameter Estimation via Unscented Kalman Filtering" Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 22, No. 6, pp. 703-709 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  91. Z. Huang and J. Hahn. "Fuzzy Modeling of Signal Transduction Networks" Chemical Engineering Science 64, No. 9, pp. 2044-2056 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  92. C. Qu and J. Hahn. "Computation of Arrival Cost for Moving Horizon Estimation via Unscented Kalman Filtering" Journal of Process Control 19, No. 2, pp. 538-563 (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  93. Z. Huang, F. Senocak, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Integrated Modeling and Experimental Approach for Determining Transcription Factor Profiles from Fluorescent Reporter Data" BMC Systems Biology 2:64 (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
  94. Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Integrating Parameter Selection with Experimental Design under Uncertainty for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems" AIChE Journal 54, No. 9, pp. 2310-2320 (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
  95. J. Hahn, M. Moennigmann, and W. Marquardt. "On the Use of Bifurcation Analysis for Robust Controller Tuning for Nonlinear Systems" Journal of Process Control 18, No. 3-4, pp. 408-420 (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
  96. J. Brewer, Z. Huang, A.K. Singh, M. Misra, and J. Hahn. "Sensor Network Design via Observability Analysis and Principal Component Analysis" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 46, No. 24, pp. 8026-8032 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  97. Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Parameter Set Selection for Estimation for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems" AIChE Journal 53, No. 11, pp. 2858-2870 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  98. Y. Chu, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Parameter Sensitivity Analysis of IL-6 Signaling Pathways" IET Systems Biology 1, No. 6, pp. 342-352 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  99. J. Hahn. "Review: Introduction to Process Control" Journal of Process Control 17, No. 2, pp. 187-188 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  100. A.K. Singh, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "A Case Study of Representing Signal Transduction in Liver Cells as a Feedback Control Problem" Chemical Engineering Education 41, No. 3, pp. 177-182 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  101. Y. Chu and J. Hahn. "Development of Parameter Sensitivity Analysis Techniques for Studying Interactions among Parameters and Application to Systems Biology" Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 14, No. S2, pp 220-226 (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  102. A.K Singh, A. Jayaraman, and J. Hahn. "Modeling Regulatory Mechanisms in IL-6 Signal Transduction in Hepatocytes" Biotechnology & Bioengineering 95, No. 5, pp. 850-862 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  103. C. Sun and J. Hahn. "Parameter Reduction for Stable Dynamical Systems based on Hankel Singular Values and Sensitivity Analysis" Chemical Engineering Science 61, No. 16, pp. 5393-5403 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  104. A.K Singh and J. Hahn. "Sensor Location for Stable Nonlinear Dynamic Systems: Multiple Sensor Case" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 45, No. 10, pp. 3615-3623 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  105. J. Hahn. "Review: Handbook of PI and PID Controller Tuning Rules" IEEE Control Systems Magazine 26, No. 1, pp. 92-93 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  106. Y. Zhou, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "Process Monitoring Based on Classification Tree and Discriminant Analysis" Reliability Engineering & System Safety 91, No. 5, pp. 546-555 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  107. W.H. Jang, J. Hahn, and K.R. Hall. "The Design Benefit Method: A Framework for Allocating Joint Costs among Joint Products" Hydrocarbon Processing, January, (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  108. S. Rajaraman, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "Sensor Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Processes with Parametric Uncertainties" Journal of Hazardous Materials 130, No. 1-2, pp. 1-8 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  109. C. Sun and J. Hahn. "Model Reduction in the Presence of Uncertainty in Model Parameters" Journal of Process Control 16, No. 6, pp. 645-649 (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  110. W.H. Jang, K.R. Hall, and J. Hahn. "Genetic/Quadratic Search Algorithm for Plant Economic Optimizations Using a Process Simulator" Computers and Chemical Engineering 30, No. 2, pp. 285-294 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
  111. U. Kruger, D. Antory, J. Hahn, G.W. Irwin, and G. McCullough. "Introduction of a Nonlinearity Measure for Principal Component Models" Computers and Chemical Engineering 29, No. 11-12, pp. 2355-2362 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
  112. A. Singh and J. Hahn. "State Estimation for High-Dimensional Chemical Processes" Computers and Chemical Engineering 29, No. 11-12, pp. 2326-2334 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
  113. A.K Singh and J. Hahn. "Determining Optimal Sensor Locations for State and Parameter Estimation for Stable Nonlinear Systems" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 44, No. 15, pp. 5645-5659 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
  114. C. Sun and J. Hahn. "Reduction of Differential-Algebraic Equation Systems via Projections and System Identification" Journal of Process Control 15, No. 6, pp. 639 -650 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
  115. G. Froment, M. El-Halwagi, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "Foreword: Selected Papers Presented at the Symposium on Modeling of Complex Processes" Computers and Chemical Engineering 29, No. 11-12, pp. 2265 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
  116. M. Guay, R. Dier, J. Hahn, and P. J. McLellan. "Effect of Process Nonlinearity on Linear Quadratic Regulator Performance" Journal of Process Control 15, No. 1, pp. 113-123 (2005) [Publication, Abstract]
  117. S. Rajaraman, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "A Methodology for Fault Detection, Isolation, and Identification for Nonlinear Processes with Parametric Uncertainties" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 43, No. 21, pp. 6774 -6786 (2004) [Publication, Abstract]
  118. J. Hahn. "Review: Handbook of PI and PID Controller Tuning Rules" Journal of Process Control 14, No. 5, pp. 591 (2004) [Publication, Abstract]
  119. J. Hahn, M. Monnigmann, and W. Marquardt. "A Method for Robustness Analysis of Controlled Nonlinear Systems" Chemical Engineering Science 59, pp. 4325-4338 (2004) [Publication, Abstract]
  120. Y. Zhou, J. Hahn, and M.S. Mannan. "Fault Detection and Classification in Chemical Processes Based on Neural Networks with Feature Extraction" ISA Transactions 42, No. 4, pp. 651-664 (2003) [Publication, Abstract]
  121. J. Hahn, T.F. Edgar, and W. Marquardt. "Controllability and Observability Covariance Matrices for the Analysis and Order Reduction of Stable Nonlinear Systems" Journal of Process Control 13, No. 2, pp. 115-127 (2003) [Publication, Abstract]
  122. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar. "An Improved Method for Nonlinear Model Reduction Using Balancing of Empirical Gramians" Computers and Chemical Engineering 26, No. 10, pp. 1379-1397 (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  123. J. Hahn, S. Lextrait, and T.F. Edgar. "Nonlinear Balanced Model Residualization via Neural Networks" AIChE Journal 48, No. 6, pp. 1353-1357 (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  124. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar. "Balancing Approach to Minimal Realization and Model Reduction of Stable Nonlinear Systems" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 41, No. 9, pp. 2204-2212 (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  125. J. Hahn, T. Edison, and T.F. Edgar. "Adaptive IMC Control for Drug Infusion for Biological Systems" Control Engineering Practice 10, No. 1, pp. 45-56 (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  126. J. Hahn and T.F. Edgar. "A Gramian Based Approach to Nonlinearity Quantification and Model Classification" Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 40, No. 24, pp. 5724-5731 (2001) [Publication, Abstract]
  127. J. Hahn, T. Edison, and T.F. Edgar. "A Note on Stability Analysis using Bode Plots" Chemical Engineering Education 35, No. 3, pp. 208-211 (2001) [Publication, Abstract]
  128. T.F. Edgar, S.W. Butler, J. Campbell, C. Pfeiffer, C. Bode, S.B. Hwang, K.S. Balakrishnan, and J. Hahn. " Automatic Control in Microelectronics Manufacturing: Practices, Challenges, and Possibilities" Automatica 36, No. 11, pp. 1567-1603 (2000) [Publication, Abstract]