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Arjun Bhadouria

Arjun Bhadouria
M.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, (2015)
B.Tech & M.Tech., IIT Madras, (2011)
Research Interests

Separation of proteins is an important biotechnological process. Membrane ultrafiltration can be used for protein separation because of its scalability and economics. Ultrafiltration is a nonlinear process and its performance depends on a number of operating parameters. Therefore an optimization of these factors is commonly performed.

The focus of my research is to build empirical models for ultrafiltration and determine optimal operating conditions based on the developed models. Various performance measures require different optimal operating regimes. Our work looks at how optimal operating conditions can be found for a combination of these performance measures depending on the requirement.

Furthermore optimal experimental design dealing with nonlinear systems can be used to reduce the number of experiments to be performed for performance optimization or to maximize information content from a set of experiments already performed.

Current Employer

Sanofi Genzyme